all my life.
something bother me last night but now, it's alright. haha. (: i have a great didi. haha! past isn't equal to the future! (:
i seriously hate that b! how could she order _ to do this and that when that's not what she say when she called to tell about the job. f! what she ask _ to do isn't included in the pay la! ask _ buy food still complain not nice! then do it herself then! she had been there for so long yet hasn't any idea what food is being sell there. out to bully _ la! ask _ wash ppl's leg somemore! _ is kind enough to help her record stuff and yet she complain of _ugly handwriting. i believe if her handwriting is of any better, she doesn't need _ then. f-ing b! ahhhh. i'm so irritated.
mind my language. haha. i'm so piss with that b. haha.
alright, went causeway with charis. meet her at around 5 and went walking about. brought pretty much stuff. charis brought me my birhday present and treated me to dinner. so sweet of her! (: haha. THANKYOU!
brought stuff without thinking and ended up so broke with only 2 bucks in my wallet on the way back. haha!
met yang who came back from marina square at northpoint just to bus back home. (:
i so wanna watch 27 dresses and p.s. i love you! (:
back to school tomorrow! last nzone match.
you light up my day.